Saturday, February 28, 2015



How could I,   a minister of the gospel, having enjoyed a front row seat to God saving souls, healing afflictions, comforting the sorrowful, expanding His kingdom, and building His church be unable to draw on His power to overcome the effects of loss in my own heart when I left professional ministry?  The God, I had regularly watched do miraculous things through me, now seemed powerless to relieve my distress. Frustration, anxiety, anger, and sorrow eventually captured hidden places in my heart.  The easy victory I had grown to expect over a personal sin slowly became more difficult to win.
To avoid temptation all I had to do was increase my Christian service.  It had worked well for years.  However all non-ministry activities, interests, pursuits, and relationships received less and less of my attention.   Eating, sleeping, and drinking Christian service had the benefit of ever increasing ministry successes but required an ever narrowing focus.  It seemed to be the fulfillment of the scriptural injunction to, “Walk in the Spirit, and ye will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh.” (Gal. 5:16 KJV)  However I had gone from walking in the Spirit to walking in the ministry.  Toward the end, waiting on the Lord was a luxury I could not afford.  I was just too busy. 
I had become addicted to “ministry”.  The more I gave it, the more it demanded. I needed more of it to fight off sin’s promise of momentary relieve. A relieve I desperately needed with the increasing demands and frustrations of my over booked schedule.  Losing my “self” in ministry I eventually felt hopelessly separated from God.   It had to stop…so I quit. But now what?
I, who turned to ministry in times of temptation, was baffled by my inability to gain either comfort or victory from God.  Not only did I find myself almost defenseless when in the grip of a reoccurring temptation but my whole life was being disassembled.  Thankfully, a couple of former parishioners took pity on me.  Their loving intervention helped push me along in the grieving process.  Of course the grieving process does not, as I discovered, end with a healthy reassembled personality. It simple brings the griever to the starting point of a major personality overhaul.
One day, while driving down the freeway my thoughts replayed the tragic effects of my loss.  It was as if I was looking through the lens of a camera.  I saw my grief widen to include my wife and children.  I recognized, perhaps for the first time, the negative impact my loss was having on them.  Unexpectedly the focal point widened to reveal several other ex-church workers and their loved ones, each broken, disappointed, alienated, confused, and hurting.  Suddenly the field of vision opened on a vast crowed of displaced Christian workers and their families all experiencing some degree of a similar sorrow.  Tears veiled the road ahead as I was confronted with the compounded pain.  For an instant I felt the compassion God must feel for that distressed multitude.
I was compelled to discover the dynamics of that kind of sadness.  It crossed my mind that if I could get myself free from the effects of this sorrow perhaps I could help others reach a similar freedom.  And so I began an investigation into the brokenness of loss hoping to discover a repair.   I concluded the investigation and recorded my findings about ten years ago.  I need to share those findings that resulted in a life joy and peace I could not have imagined before.
 That is why, starting March first, I intend to boil down those findings and present them as a series on my blog, captjbeppler.blogspot,com  The series is entitled, “LOSING TO WIN.”  
I’m hoping the report will help abbreviate the effects of loss for someone else.  I encourage comments at the end of each post.  Doing so will allow us to deal personally with any aspects or details that need amplified or clarified.  Please join me as I share my experience of “LOSING TO WIN”.

Monday, February 16, 2015


Many dream the impossible.  The dream may not actually be unattainable but could not be maintain even if attained.  So then there are two kinds of impossible dreams.  There are dreams that are impossible because they truly are unrealistic and those which may be attainable but unsustainable. Overcoming evil with good is one of those ridicules dreams which is both. Nonetheless we cannot help but long for the beauty inherent in the dream of good triumphing over evil.  Something inside us longs for that kind of justice.  
As human beings the kind of justice we are most familiar with is retribution…an eye for an eye.  It is hard to imagine another kind. However Jesus displayed a superior justice offering Himself on the cross.  In his books Derek Flood calls this type “restorative justice”.  The dream was attained in Christ and was left for His people to sustain.  However awakening within a world of massive cruelty and injustice overcoming evil with good is an impossible dream. Yet that is exactly what God calls us to.
Oswald Chambers insists in his February 16th devotion from, “My Utmost for His Highest” that there are occasions when God inspires us beyond mere human initiative to actualize an impossible dream.
“We all have any number of visions and ideals when are young, but sooner or later we find that we have no power to make them real.  We cannot do the things we long to do, and we are apt to settle down to the visions and ideals as dead, and God has to come and say-‘Arise from the dead.’ (Eph.5:14)  When the inspiration of God does come, it comes with such miraculous power that we are able to arise from the dead and do the impossible thing. The remarkable thing about spiritual initiative is that the life comes after we do the ‘bucking up.’ God does not give us overcoming life; He gives us life as we overcome.  When the inspiration of God comes, and He says-‘Arise from the dead,’ we have to get up; God does not lift us up.  Our Lord said to the man with the withered hand-‘Stretch forth thy hand,’ and as soon as the man did so his hand was healed, but he had to take the initiative.  If we will do the overcoming, we shall find we are inspired of God because He gives life immediately.”
When inspired by God we likewise must overcome the impossibility within ourselves to realize good overcoming evil in our hearts, in our families, in our country and in our world.  Even today when God wakes us from the impossible dream I pray that we will “buck up”, take the initiative, and live the possible dream.

Monday, February 9, 2015


Syrian good news is hard to find.  The Guardian and Project Syndicate are reporting on a possible Aleppo fighting freeze initiative being hammered out by UN Syrian envoy, Staffan de Mistura. “Aleppo First” represents a small practical first step toward a very distant none violent stabilization within Syria and that region.  The objective is to get aid into the citizens of Aleppo before 400,000 of them become refugees while create cooperation among the combatants.  It is not a peace plan imposed on warring factions by some external power but rather a realistic effort to get the major players and their minor proxies to focus on the humanitarian side of their war.  The ultimate goal is to provide a forum for future negotiations among the various forces.
In order to get on the long-term goal of regional stability de Mistura has been meeting with all of the players.  He is calling on them to face the reality of postponing some of their present demands for the good of the people caught in the middle.  For example the West will yield on its insistence on the immediate exit of Assad and the irradiated of ISIS before aid is given, the proxies will not evacuate areas while postponing aspirations of regional domination, the conferring factions will keep their weapons but agree on a mutually acceptable enforcement mechanism and forgo violent retaliation for minor freeze violations.   
While this is not a peace plan it does present a foundation for one sometime in the future.  It could be adapted into a peace plan forum.  Even if nothing comes of it right away it suggests that there are none violent options to the horrific bloodshed.  At this point de Mistura’s “Aleppo First” strategy of incremental reduction of violence to aid the suffering in that city is the most hopeful development thus far.  I’m praying his plan prosper and that peace will follow.

Friday, February 6, 2015


Dear Anonymous, 
 I'm NOT betraying your confidence by blogging our conversation.
The good thing about your blog response is anonymous comments cannot be traced.  The same is true for the gmail response you gave to a blog post.  However that is also a bad thing because I can't send a gmail reply to you. That being true, I feel good about protecting your privacy while bringing our rather intimate discussion to this more public stage.
Anonymous <>
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "THE FORBIDDEN TOPIC":
Of course if you title a post "forbidden" i am going to read it. I look forward to reading more.
I am one who viewed this as an "unattainable goal" hoisted upon us by the church. I had a particular resentment toward the apostle Paul for this. Although my struggle is very different, I have found that the daily conscious contact with God as i understand him, and simply asking for strength has seemed to help create a "situational awareness" when I am beset by feelings that would lead me to seek comfort in something else.
I look forward to reading more......
Pray for me as I will for thee,

Posted by Anonymous to John B. Eppler at February 2, 2015 at 10:01 AM
Dear Anonymous, 
I'm praying for ”thee” and we.
I am very pleased to receive your response.
Knowing there are others who recognize God's presence and yield to His will is encouraging.
Yielding rather than fighting changed my "unattainable goal" from a constant struggle to an attainable victory of rest and relief.
I find the concept of God a metaphysically ridiculous idea.  Yet I am also one whose drives, desires, and passions make him vulnerable to immoral and personally unacceptable behaviors.  That is why 40 years ago I turned to God and discovered the freedom He provided at the cross.  However it was not a once-and-for-all fix.  When I allow myself to ignore God I find I'm still as hopelessly vulnerable as ever. So I don't have another option...I must believe. And quite frankly I don't even want another option.  Faith in and yielding to His abiding presents and love has changed my uncontrollable passions into unexpected peace. 
If, as you suggested, you would like to read more take a look at the series of "SIN's EXIT" posted 8/15/2014