Friday, January 30, 2015


The USA election “noise “will be growing in intensity over the next 646 days.  The increased volume leading up to the November 8, 2016 elections will make it ever more difficult to hear the still small voice of God through all the audio distortion of election politics. From now until then the loudest, most sensational and unfortunately the rudest will scream for attention.  
So having expressed my opinions this January I plan to remain as silent as possible from here on out.  Excusing myself from the upcoming election discourse I close my January posts with an explanation for dodging the entire campaign racket.
One reason is sighted in the January 29th reading of the always folksy, Oswald Chambers’ devotional, “My Utmost for His Highest”.  In it he warns against holding to strongly to, “…our most determined confidence in our own convictions.”  Oswald quotes the KJV of Luke 9:55 where Jesus corrected his disciples for thinking that expressing their outrage would somehow protect God’s honor and intentions.  “He rebuked them and said, Ye know no what manner of spirit ye are of.”  Oswald’s example of the spirit of an “advocate of His” (that is of Christ Jesus) “is described in 1 Corinthians 13.”  That scripture is commonly referred to as the love chapter.
My personal reluctance to jump into political debates is more directly influenced by Paul’s exhortation in Titus 3:9 to avoid foolish controversies, genealogies, arguments, and quarrels about the law because they are ultimately a worthless waste of time. 
An even more direct instruction is in Ephesians 4:14b & 15b.  After giving an apt description of election noise as, “the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming.” Paul counsels a more appropriately Christian action, “Instead, speaking the truth in love.”     

I am sure the outcome of the 2016 elections will fulfill God’s will for this nation and the world.  Despite that fact, it is not a godly or an ungodly political agenda that threatens to distort God’s image on earth.  It is rather our advocacy for God in a spirit unlike God’s Holy Spirit.
So rather than contribute to the noise I hope to persevere quietly in prayer.   God help us all, especially His people, to hear and yield to His still small voice during the 2016 election noise.  Let's remember when either you or I feel we must speak out to always, “…speak the truth in love.”

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