Friday, August 15, 2014


Living without temptation is one of the worst things that could happen to us. We all have cravings which if completely satisfied are self-destructive. Our inability to avoid such compulsions leads us to look for a way out…an exit sign.
Temptation works like a freeway sign reminding travelers that there is an off ramp ahead. It signals that God is near and that we need to be looking for Him. Yes, there are other wonderful, even noble, exits from a self-destructive compulsion. The problem is other ramps lead onto new self-destructive freeways. When we choose to use His exit we are delivered from the self-destructive compulsion onto streets of real satisfaction. 1Cor. 10:13, Prov. 16:25, James 1:13+14, Phil. 4:19

The next “Exit” post deals with where to “look for God” and then how we recognize Him when we see Him.

Click on OLDER POSTS to advance to the next "Exit"

P. S. By the way how do you suppose I know about other off-ramps? Those of you who know me know I have tried nearly every one of them and they did work well for a time but did nothing to satisfy the general issue of craving.

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