Friday, August 15, 2014


Even with a flashing “temptation” exit sign without a doubt the hardest part of turning away from a self-destructive compulsion is recognizing the off-ramp. The most common reason for overlooked the ramp is not the bias factor but familiarity. When Man becomes aware of “good” within himself he naturally assumes those loving qualities are “the better angels of his nature”. Predictably, when one becomes acquainted with God the increasing “goodness” within is attributed to the perfecting of his human nature. That conclusion makes it difficult if not impossible to apply the Biblical verdict God passed on the human heart to oneself. The truth is man’s heart is deceitful enjoying and even preferring naughtiness in the dark over wholesomeness in the light. The mindset that says there is good in the heart of every man is looking through natural eyes which will be “ever seeing but never perceiving”. So with that in mind please pay close attention to what comes next. Rom. 3:10, Luke 19:42, Rom. 7:18, John 3:19, Jer. 17:9, Isa. 64:6

This is post 5. This present post has been added so there will be 2more. Those final "Exits" are the most important of seven.

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