Tuesday, September 2, 2014



I was a Christian tied to a sin I could not overcome.  It had become a part of my life.  I knew the answer was in Christ but could not make that answer real until shown the simple key

Sin is only a symptom and never the problem. I was trying to fix something that was a part of me and who I was…beyond my control.  The real problem is the allusion resting behind sin (every sin). 
The allusion strikes hardest during moments of frustration (including stress, pain, confusion, and sorry) It happens when we experience a false sense of separated from God.

As Spirit filled Christians we know how ridicules that mis-perception is.  After all it is impossible for an omnipresent God to be absent at any time or anyplace.  His absence is an allusion dating back to the garden. 
The allusion disappears when we are conscious of God’s indwelling presence.  So the question is how do we, humans, become aware of God’s presence?  But because the answer is so simple and so easy it is ignore as trivial.  We have been led to think defeating sin is supposed to be hard.  IT IS NOT! STOP WORKING AT IT! 

The key is prayer. But not prayer to be stronger than your sin…you were never intended to be stronger than sin. If you were Jesus wasted His time dying on the cross.  My friend, that prayer is out of the will of God.

Pray for something we know is the will of God.  Ask for God consciousness.  He wants us to be aware of Him always. It is His will that you recognize His presents within you every moment of every day.  That is a prayer He will always answer when asked in faith believing. 

That is why temptation is so important.  It is our reminder that we have taken our eyes off of Him. Welcome temptation and respond by asking God to give you God consciousness.  Then rejoice at His presents, the God of the universe is in you.  You might even through in a little thanks while you are at it.

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