Thursday, January 8, 2015

Greatest Comandment in Politics


My mother was a very simple Godly woman.  My sisters and I knew we were loved and so when she told us to follow love in everything we thought, did, and said we recognized what that meant.  It meant not demanding our own way, not seeking our best interests, or not considering ourselves “better” than others*1. In short, we were taught to “follow the way of love” *2 and in so doing follow God, who is love*3.  We did not realize that human beings cannot follow love separate from God’s Spirit but we knew what love was supposed to look like*4.
Now as one of God’s “dearly loved” *5 it is my supreme joy to share in His nature along with all of God’s chosen people.  “God is love, whoever lives in love lives in God, and god in him. *6” “Whoever does not love does no know God, because God is love. *7   We can, if we choose, obey the command to, “…clothe your-selves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” “And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. *8   
So with love as the bond which unites me with my brothers and sisters in Christ, why do I find myself at political odds over the question of love with the majority of my beloved family members?  Is it because I secretly don’t love my Christian family?  I know that can’t be it.  My Christian family is beyond precious and dear to me.  Could it be that I subconsciously don’t love my neighbor or my enemy or consider their welfare less important than my own?  God must be my judge but my voting record and favored political causes do not support that charge.  Am I simply arrogant, think my views reflect God’s character will while those opposing them are following some other spirit than love? I find it baffling that the majority of Christians can adopt policies which are so obviously rooted in a, “philosophy, which depends on human traditions and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ. *9 
Hasn’t God in Jesus shown his children what love looks like?  He willing gave up His rights, privileges, and material wealth to benefit the lives of others.  Even before the advent of Jesus the prophets of old saw the good God requires of us, “…to act justly and to love mercy and walk humbly with your God. *10” “This is love for God: to obey His commands. *11” and “This is the first and greatest of these is love. *12” It is my prayer that God’s children, of whom I am one, will express God’s love in our political affairs.       
NIV  References:
1.        Phi. 2:3
2.       1 Cor. 14:1
3.       1 John 4:16
4.        Rom. 8:7+8
5.        Col. 3:12    (KJV. “beloved”)
6.        1 John 4:16
7.        1 John 4:8
8.        Col. 3:12 + Col. 3:14
9.        Col. 2:8
10.     Micah 6:8
11.    1 John 5:3
12.     Matt. 22:38


Steve Kneller said...

John, this is your old FCA, UAG, etc. brother Steve Kneller. Although I don't expect to come close to the eloquent style I just read in your post, I just couldn't let this go without some bit of kick-back. I agree, I don't want to fight about it, but you did wonder how I can stay "conservative". First you will notice in my blog ( I describe my goal as trying to think conservatively and act liberally. Also, my favorite scripture of all is Micah 6:8 which you quoted. I was disappointed when I finished reading your post to find that all I really got out of it was that you believe we are to LOVE... To me that certainly doesn't mean to be politically liberal. There is another scripture that says, "I prosper you so that you may be generous". That's my paraphrase of 2 Corinthians 9:11. I do get a bit more verbose in my blog post of Sunday, September 9, 2012. I don't trust political gurus to take my (tax) money and distribute it as God would have it distributed. (Conservative or Liberal)... I (me, my, I) am to be generous. I believe in helping "the poor", but not entitlement.... etc. Love you John... Will continue to pray for you as you pray for me. skk said...
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