Thursday, January 8, 2015

Closet Christian Democrat

                           CLOSET CHRISTIAN DEMOCRAT

 I'm a Christian who loves Jesus and am usually a Democratic voter. Most of my Christian brothers and sisters can't understand why I'm not a Republican yet I can't understand how a Christian can stay a Republican, even though for a time l too followed its lead. The deep sorrow I feel is not just the pain of separation from those I love but it’s the grief of seeing most everyone I care about following a spirit that I believe is totally unlike God. I have learned speaking up makes me sound arrogant and only causes arguments .So, most of the time I let Christian Republicans make their comments, bite my tongue, and pray. That's why over the years, as a rule, I only voice my opinion when a loved ones' public bluster is obviously damaging to their relationship with their gracious loving God. But it's hard...real hard. 

Having prayed to God for His Lordship to increase in my life I feel compelled to at least acknowledge my closeted convictions. While I have opened my closet door I have no desire to come out fighting. I don’t intend to persuade others to abandon their religiously motivated political convictions and adopt mine.  However I am willing to give an account for the hope that is in me. Some may judge my unwillingness to be disagreeable and accusatory as a lack of certainty of God’s heart on political topics or evidence of personal cowardice.  I simply believe arguing about convictions is unprofitable.  Combat between brothers creates two losers… they each lose the prospect of m maintaining a loving Christian relationship. 

I therefore intend to use my January blog to explain why I am so very confident that the political ideologies of the “bleeding heart liberals” bears a striking resemblance  to God’s hopes and will for America. To see my first January contribution read on.  My door is open but you’ll have to come in because I’m not planning to come out of the closet.

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