Friday, December 4, 2015

Solving Mass-Murder Epid.

All of us will benefit from a united approach to our mass-murder epidemic.  At present, there is no single universally acceptable solution, though many offer hope. 
I believe our united concerns, goals, interests, and needs when focused on a situation, hold the answer.  Together, let us attempt to re-frame the problem to achieve and present a synthesized solution to our political leaders.
Please take a moment to indicate your opinion, concerning mass-murders in the United States, by answering the four questions below.  If you have no thoughts on the topic, indicate that as well.  Otherwise, answer as many of them as you can.  
A) What is the major cause (or causes) of mass-murder in the USA?
B) What is your preferred solution to the problem? 
C) What makes it your favorite remedy? 
D) What are the most important issues shaping your preference?
If you chose, responses may be left on my blog. Click on the pencil icon.  I will not respond or keep your addresses, unless you specifically request that I do so. 
 Those answering from outside the USA, please note that fact. 
Thank you for your participation.  


  1. Great questions John. I think there are so many reasons these mass shootings occur. That could take a while to answer and figure out. Many of them seem to be done my mentally ill people and some b/c of extreme ideologies. How can a country root people like that out? I don't know if that is possible. For those with mental illness, they somehow need to get treatment. But, how can you force anyone to get treatment? I don't know the answer to that. And even if they get treatment who's to say they will follow the treatment given. I believe in the case of the Extremists the pattern I see among quite a few of them were that they lived wayward lives, knew they needed a spiritual change and gravitated towards this extreme version of Islam to almost rectify their past. We live in such a time of relativity and spiritual emptiness that it is kind of no wonder some of this happens. More Christian outreach to people who are living such spiritually vacuous lives could help. The message of redemption and forgiveness is a lot more powerful than that of judgement and so called 'martyrdom'. Focusing on the victims and not the perpetrates could help. So it doesn't seem like an act of glory or infamy. Some gun laws could be passed such as like preventing those on no fly lists from getting guns, but in reality they won't do much. Look at what happened in France where gun laws are extremely strict. Armed guards at schools possibly. Which I hate the idea of, but I have heard the argument we have them at banks to guard our money, aren't our children more precious? Which is somewhat reasonable. I do know, when I thought of the possible suspect from the San Bernardino massacre was possibly on the loose, my first though is I am glad we have a gun in case something like that happened in our neighborhood. I am one of those reluctant gun people who looks at it as a tool to protect my family (plus Otto likes to hunt.) The only way to stop a person with a gun is another gun. But who should have those guns is the question. I prefer armed guards and not vigilantes. The ultimate solution is God. I don't know how that can be done. Like I said I think more Christian outreach is good idea. Also, I heard somewhere that law enforcement is trying to make inroads in the Muslim community so that they have a relationship of trust. This is so that if there are any lone wolves amongst their community they feel at ease reporting these people to authorities, knowing there will be no push back in their community. I think it is an important topic to discuss. I just don't know if there are many viable solutions at this point.

  2. Annette, Thanks for participating. My notes now include:
    A) CAUSE
    Mental illness
    Extreme ideologies

    Mental treatment
    More expression of Christian live and outreach(God is the solution)
    Media focus on victims not victimizers
    Some gun laws (restrictions no-fly listers and vigilantes)
    Mental treatment attendance mechanism
    Armed police, school guards, and citizens
    Closer relationship between police and Muslim population

    Concern for loved ones (our children)
    Empty undirected youth

    Family protection
    Identification of lone wolves

    I appreciate what you have contributed. I do have two questions though. Have I understood you correctly and do you have a priority in mind for the answers?
