Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Revelations 18:2 Misdirected

Revelations 18:2 Misdirected
God has doubtlessly placed in the heart of this video producer His desire to free His people from falsehood.  However, this approach is a classic example of hearing a spiritual truth and drawing natural conclusions regarding its intent. 
God's visions and desires are faithful and true, yet when perceived as if the specific physical symbol, type, or shadow represented are the actual institutions, leaders, animals, places, things, and so forth they produces carnal understandings and misguided responses. 

 "Blessed is the one who reads the words of the prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near."                Revelation 1:3

 I am not a Catholic and think a light show on St Peter's Cathedral is in questionable if not outright poor taste.  However, the Revelation 18:4 statement, “Come out of her, my people.” is a spiritual warning, not specifically directed at natural entities of this world.  These words deliver a spiritual warning against yielding to the spirits of this world which are unlike God's Spirit..."God is love."  1John 4:8+16  They demand a spiritual response of a heart yielded by faith to God.  A spiritual response is described in 1John 4:19-21. 
Read, hear, and take to heart spiritual words and then respond, consistent with the intent and leading of the Spirit of God.  My challenge to you is, ask the Lord if a light show is the fulfillment of the scripture as the online video claims.  Are they hearing a spiritual truth and drawing a natural conclusion?  
Leave a response by clicking on the pencil icon.

To view the video got to Google and find;
Alert: Revelation 18:2 Just Happened 

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