Wednesday, February 3, 2016


you will be guilty of  VWO
The inserted article  below is actually very funny, please read it, even though, I am one of the voters it derides.  It highlights many of the mistaken assumptions some accept as the thoughts motivating we of the Democratic Party to vote as we do.  Number 12 is the best one because it gives a very funny word picture to describe a real national problem.

 As long as both sides are looking only at what we sit on, we will continue to dismiss the concerns of our detractors.  Unfortunately, the problem itself is no laughing matter.  In fact, I can confidently predict, that if our heads remain "firmly misplaced" we will eventually drive our nation into the ditch.  Only by keeping both eyes on this road we travel together, can we hope to keep this bus on road. Of course, we must drive through some bad neighborhoods but our elected mass-transit driver must keep both eyes on this road we travel together or “together” we will never make it.
Ralph Waldo Emerson provides a basses for our recognition of the problem but also pointing us in the direction of mutually satisfying solution, 

 “Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted when I am contradicted.”
Emerson is not saying that instances of persecution are misperceptions …persecution is real.  It is the expression of hostility toward a race, a political point of view, or religious belief.  The emotional response of those offended by persecution is resentment and anger.  When persecuted the offence automatically clouds the judgment of the persecuted with anger, blocking the ability to work in peace with the detractor toward some mutually acceptable resolution of the hostility.  Emerson's quotation suggests a non- aggressive strategy for handling those negative emotions...receive persecution as its none-offensive cousin, contradiction.  Contradictions are simply opposing statements or ideas to which clear-heads can create mutually acceptable solutions.  However, solutions remain out of sight to those offended by hostility.  Win-win solutions can only be developed in the absence of the emotional fog of persecution and angry resentment.  Emerson’s statement points to a second choice.  We can see a conflict as an offensively destructive persecution or as a non-offensive sol resolvable contradiction.   
Paul directs us to this approach, in 1 Corinthians 13;4+7, where he lists fifteen attributes of love.  His eighth description of love is that, “…it is not easily angered.”  “…dreaming that I am persecuted,” as Emerson put it, invites angry resentment to block love in dealing with contradiction.    
Courageous and honest people will be expressing contradictory points of view during the election season here in the United States and that is as it should be.  As the electorate, we cannot afford to be offended when told our point of view is ignorant or stupid.  After all, either or both options are possible.  The price we pay for allowing ourselves to become angry or resentful is not just the loss of friendships…as bad as that is.  Dismissing the ideas of those who oppose or persecuting them for their concerns allows anger to cloud our judgment negating our ability to understand what they are trying to do or why they believe, it is important to do it.  Without knowing their true motivation, it is only natural to come up with unfounded conclusions about what drives their opposition.  Sense each side knows their own motivations are pure it only makes sense that any opposition is motivated by selfishness, greed, deception, and/or evil.  At this point, false assumptions mount up into, wholesale self-assured persecution, thwarting any possibility of creating mutually beneficial solutions 
The fact is most, if not all, of the contesting points of view arise out of lifetimes of prayer, considerate thought, decades of experience, and exhaustive study…I know mine have.  I remain hopeful that people of goodwill can reach win-win solutions politically, socially, economically, environmentally, and even interpersonally if we drop our assumptions of nefarious intentions in favor of understanding the concerns fellow Americans’ are trying so hard to address.  Mutually beneficial solutions await our discovery.  If we can put our heads together and go to the moon, we can do this.  

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