Wednesday, October 11, 2017



Embracing the morning, the old-timer opened wide the curtains.  Brilliance filled the suburban home with light, and exposed the sidewalk beyond the porch.  The view connected the old-timer to the children on their way to school, commuters going to and from the bus stop, joggers on their morning run, baby strollers followed by proud parents, and masters leashed to their dogs.  With the curtains opened, the old man enjoyed his connection with life in his San Diego neighborhood.
The former breadwinner, now retired, could no longer afford the expense of him and his wife living in a single occupancy home in the tourist city.  That is why; they shared the home with their son and daughter-in-law.  The space, formerly called the living room, bore the designation of “the commons.” It provided the two families with many pleasant spontaneous get-togethers.  The co-occupancy created very few disagreements, except for that living room window.  The rest of the family was concerned that the old-guy’s open curtains, presented an invitation to burglars.   
The aged patriarch excused his behavior saying, “I would rather put our valuables on the porch, for anyone to take, than hide away in a darkened fortress.  Let them have the junk.”  As you might guess, when alone, the rebellious old-fellow constantly reopened the curtains, to the max.  It was evidence of a values conflict between him and the other three family members.  Knowing they disapproved, he should have left the curtains closed, but it was too important to him.   
I confess I am that old man.  Unfortunately, I have a similar problem with my Christian family.  I actually don’t want to irritate my brothers and sisters by exposing my unacceptable values.  Even though, I love them very much, I open the religious curtains whenever I think they are not looking.  Saddly, knowing it is unappreciated.   
For example, I think Christians would be better-off putting our nation’s prosperity on the front porch if necessary, rather than hide within our fortified Christian national darkness.  I value opening the windows to illuminating values such as interpersonal civility, serving the needy, healing illnesses, focusing on infrastructural, scientific discoveries, atmospheric stewardship, national diversity, and international goodwill.  These run contrary to the values of the “Christian-right,” but I believe they are as important to God, as they are to me.
As a Christian old-timer, I desire to open the curtains darkening the commons of the family of God.  I prefer the loss of all things, to perpetuating white privilege.  Shutting out the Light will not protect true Christianity.  No loss occurs, when, that which God in Christ has given us is displayed, seen, desired, and taken…instead it produces an increase.  Paul describes the loss of his financial, religious, and political power this way,
I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things.  I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ—the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith.  Philippians 3:8-9 
We are witnessing a large number of God’s family, who, “…have escaped the corruption of the world by knowing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and are again entangled in it and are overcome, they are worse off at the end than they were at the beginning.  (2 Peter 2:20)”
The gift of the knowledge of God cannot be stolen by a corrupt society, culture, or world, nor can it be preserved behind a curtain of distrust, fear, or protectionism.  Instead, the loss takes place when unfortunate believers find themselves entangled and overcome in the same sleaze, venality, bribery, vice, dishonesty, fraud, and exploitation.  Protecting a brand of Christianity, with political corruption, is a brand not worth saving.  Unfortunately, it does little good to warn those already overcome by the corruption to “come out from among them and be ye separate.”  God alone can deliver that word, and even then, only listening ears can receive it.  I pray the authority of His word will free them anew.  Be careful, the admonition belongs to all of us…so listen.

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