Tuesday, December 31, 2019

ELUSIVE FACT republished from 9/2/2014

I was a Christian tied to a sin I could not overcome.  It had become a part of my life.  I knew the answer was in Christ but could not make that answer real until shown the simple key

Sin is only a symptom and never the problem. I was trying to fix something that was a part of me and who I was…beyond my control.  The real problem is the illusion resting behind sin (every sin). 
The illusion strikes hardest during moments of frustration (including stress, pain, confusion, and sorry) It happens when we experience a false sense of separated from God.

As Spirit filled Christians we know how ridicules that mis-perception is.  After all it is impossible for an omnipresent God to be absent at any time or anyplace.  His absence is an illusion dating back to the garden. 
The illusion disappears when we are conscious of God’s indwelling presence.  So the question is how do we, humans, become aware of God’s presence?  But because the answer is so simple and so easy it is ignore as trivial.  We have been led to think defeating sin is supposed to be hard.  IT IS NOT! STOP WORKING AT IT! 

The key is prayer. But not prayer to be stronger than your sin…you were never intended to be stronger than sin. If you were Jesus wasted His time dying on the cross.  My friend, that prayer is out of the will of God.

Pray for something we know is the will of God.  Ask for God consciousness.  He wants us to be aware of Him always. It is His will that you recognize His presents within you every moment of every day.  That is a prayer He will always answer when asked in faith believing. 

That is why temptation is so important.  It is our reminder that we have taken our eyes off of Him. Welcome temptation and respond by asking God to give you God consciousness.  Then rejoice at His presents, the God of the universe is in you.  You might even through in a little thanks while you are at it.

Saturday, December 14, 2019


                 UNION WITH GOD

It is human nature to unite with what we love.  It becomes for us the most important thing in life.  If God is Love, and I believe He is, it makes sense that God loves you and me in just that way.  In light of God's love it is reasonable that He chose to become human die in order to do away with what separates us from Him.

Now, what kind of God of love would He be if no one ever loved Him back.  And that is all He wants from you and me...to love Him back.  Our reciprocal love for one another seals our mutual union.  Nothing at all can separate us from the love of God.

However, we can can pull away from Him, sometimes without knowing we have.

We threaten our union with God when the most important thing in life becomes something else...a person, a lifestyle, a cultural viewpoint, a political conviction, or any such thing.  We have pulled away when something else becomes the "object of our affection."

Four separate Christian daily devotional enter-net publishers had something to say about our union with God. They pointed out that often it is painful to recognize and then release things that we have put before the One Who loves us more than anything else.  That is until we deliberately reorder our affections, choosing to love God completely once more.

While it us true, no two Christians see eye to eye on everything.  I close with the comments taken from some of today's Christian daily devotional posts on this topic.

1) We are meant for union with God. Therefore, the soul has to become free from its attachments to finite things so as to be free for communion with God.
 (Robert Barron)

2) The shepherds...Men who didn’t have a reputation to protect or an ax to grind or a ladder to climb. Men who didn’t know enough to tell God that angels don’t sing to sheep and that messiahs aren’t found wrapped in rags and sleeping in a feed trough.
They knelt before the One only the meek will see. They were kneeling in front of Jesus.
 (Max Lucado)

3) Jesus, we worship you as King of Kings and Lord of lords. You are my King. You have rule over my heart and my life, my thoughts and time and goals. I bow to You only and give you full and free reign over my life. Help me not to grip anything so tightly that I am unwilling to release it to You. You are a just King; our Prince of Peace. Help me to desire Your kingdom above that of my own making and bow to Your will above my own.
 (Lisa Appelo)

4) When Jesus taught, “If anyone wants to follow me, let them renounce themselves!” (Mark 8:34; Luke 9:23), Jesus meant a radical surrendering of our will to Another whom we trust more than ourselves.
 (Richard Rohr)

Tuesday, November 26, 2019


Internal unrest results from being out of step with what we know within is Perfect.  That is as true for nations as it us for individuals.  There is a knowledge of the Perfect preprogrammed into every human being.

When we choose to turn away from the Perfect, as we all do, we not only feel guilty about it, but we step into the unavoidable perils of an imperfect life.

However, there is a way out of the mess.  It sounds ridiculous, but there is a Perfect solution, because there is a Perfect God.  So, stay with me while I tell you what this Perfect God has done.

The Perfect God became a Perfect man, in the person of Christ Jesus, who did what was necessary for us to be rescued from lives full of guilt and imperfection.

 BTW just so you know, the term for walking out of step with what you know is Perfect, good, right, and True is called sin. It is choosing something or someone over the Spirit of God within you. Because God is Perfect, we make ourselves His enemy when we choose the imperfect instead of Him.

So, the knowledge of the Perfect was given by the Spirit God through the Perfect Son of God, who by His crucifixion victory made His Perfect Spirit available to all.  By turning from the imperfect to His Perfect Spirit within, and yielding to God's Perfection, saves us from our sin and guilt.

But like any gift, this spiritual gift must be accepted before it becomes the possession of its intended recipient.  The spiritual act of acceptance Him is called "faith"...trusting the gift Giver.

As we trust the Perfect Spirit of God within us, yielding to Him as our Lord (our loving boss and champion), we will not just walk in step with what we know is good, right and True, but we will live in step with our Perfect God.  This harmonious union is called salvation.  It is His way of rescuing us from the eternal harm we've caused ourselves by being out of step with ourselves and Him.

If you have not yet accepted His gift, or if you have, but have since allowed yourself to accept an imperfect rescuing imposter, hero, or champion turn back to your Perfect God, whose loving gift remains an eternal offer.

Saturday, November 2, 2019


A Case and Defence of

Christians are separated politically.  

Christian Democrats express their political allegiance in Christ's name by working within the political structure democratically.  Their political involvement is not a compromise with the world, or a surrender to heathens or heretics, or a capitulation to influences of the word.

Instead, their civic mission is to saturate political life with "the more important matters of the law: justice, mercy and faithfulness (Matt. 23:23b)."  Because our Democratic-Republic is not a theocracy, their mission is to carryout God's will within the structure of the State.   Therefore, Christian Democrats are obligated to work with the given political culture, much of which is humanistic, naturalistic, materialistic, and empirically based.  To fulfil their God given calling, they must patiently work to influence the political world in ways that bring it incrementally closer to God's ideal.

Christian Democrats are guilty of being social reformers.  Like former Christian reformers throughout history they are not bringing something heathen or heretical into Christianity.  On the contrary, they are bringing Christianity into the world*1."  Their political mission is not to disassemble and reassemble institutional structures, but to  the work within them to redeem and restore their moral political potential.

More importantly, the ultimate goal for the Christian Democrat is not to impose Christian morality on the citizens, nor is it simply the creation of a moral and just governmental structure, but Christian Democrats are called to assure a just and free environment in which the Gospel can flourish harmoniously within society.

Many other Christians consider Christian Democrats immoral apostates following the world's corrupt liberal passions.  Instead faithful to God's calling, the opposite is true.  They actually stand against the destructive forces of self-interest, which naturally corrupt moral judgement of any political system.

When considering matters of good and evil Christians of all persuasions rely on the Biblical record of Christ's life, teaching, death, and resurrection as their authority.  Because Jesus didn't specify a specific political system Christians must seek to influence the existing system in conformity with Christ's principles; "love thy neighbor as thy self", and "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

Both D. & R. Christians must rely on the guidance of the Holy Spirit to inform their moral intuition within political limits, which means any moral judgement that does not contradict the Bible or the Spirit is worthy of thoughtful political implementation.  C. S. Lewis offers some practical suggestions in determining those political limits.

Lewis claimed that buried within each person's conscience is a universal consistent basic "moral intuition."  It operates as an intuitive awareness that rules our appetites and passions.  This moral intuition, over time retreats behind self-interest (sin).  Nevertheless, Lewis described this moral intuition in its most basic form as an understanding that, "love is good and hatred is bad, and that helping is good and harming bad."*2  In other words moral intuition is the law of love given by Christ Jesus.*3

The ultimate desire of all Christianity is that everyone will enter a relationship with God through Christ and be saved from life-corrupting sin.  So it is disappointing, that Christianity is divided politically, and that the wedge separating them is moral.  Yet, the tragedy persists.  It is not that one wants sin to continue and the other wants it to cease.  It's a matter of how to best achieve the moral goals they share.

One side believes moral behavior can and should be forcibly imposed on a diverse citizenry, while the other side believes forced morality only compounds and increases immorality among those who choose to evade or profit from their defiance.

Therefore, the division between Christian D's and R's is not over an obligation to follow God's moral law, but the emphasis placed on two different means of achieving moral compliance.  The R Christians and even the none Christians Rs, believe that top down governmental pressure can successfully demand obedience to the moral law, while Christian D's propose other strategies .

Throughout the Bible we are given proof that the law imposed from above is an ineffective method of producing morality in a nation or in individuals.  Morality is not a trickle-down commodity.  Establishing, or rather redeeming the rule of God's implanted moral intuition requires a change from the inside out, not the outside in.

Unfortunately, even though both D & R Christians can agree on the same moral obligations, they continue to argue over the most effective and just way of achieving God's moral ends politically.  The problem then is two different points of view.  One believes that government can and should mold the moral character of its citizens.  The other believes political force can never do what religion is ordained by God to do.  And so not only do they argue, but accuse each other of every form of evil imaginable, forgetting that both arguing*4 and slander are immoral.

*1 St. Thomas Aquinas
     by G. K. Chesterton
*2 Why I'm Not A Pacifist
     by. C. S. Lewis
*3 Mark 12:30-31
*4 Titus 3:9
*5 2Tim. 3:15

Monday, October 28, 2019



"Generational theory" connects recurring historical crises cycles with generational personas (archetypes).  Each generational persona unleashes a status quo busting new era in which for about 20 years a new social, political, and economic climate takes hold. (*1a)

The theory sees the reoccurring cycles as challenging, but necessary. stages.  America is currently facing a great crisis that will possibly bring about the collapse of the “Judeo-Christian West, "in an worldwide radical transformation. (*1b)

While I agree with the theory, I disagree with political tacticians, like Steve Bannon, who argue that the crises requires a reassertion of what he and the Christian Right call ‘traditional values" to combat secularism and other non-Christian influences. (*1c)

As a Christian myself I believe in this period of social, political, and economic upheaval, our tactic should be the resurrection of Christian, not it's Westernized 'traditional values'.

Generations of Western Christianity has contributed to its own weakness by divorcing its original source of spiritual power when it wedded itself to the powers of the world.  Now that those mortal powers; social, political, and economic are passing away it fears a strangely immortal sort of powerless widowhood. (*2a)

Throughout history, Christianity has made this same recurring wedding blunder.  Each time the mortal groom died, be it ancient Rome or Europe's feudal system, it was only reasonable that philosophers of that time would conclude Christianity would die also.  But it didn't. (*2b)
*1 (a, b, c) Strauss - Howe,
   "Generational Theory"
*2 (a+b) G. K. Chesterton,
  "The Everlasting Man"

Friday, October 18, 2019

Christian Antagonism


Christians are one in mind and voice, harmoniously glorifying the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Romans 15:5+6)

The core of that oneness is the Christian gospel. The reality expressed in one verse underpins the entirety of all godly doctrine, which reads:

"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that everyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life*."

*Explaining what eternal life is Jesus said; "Now this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent. (John 17:3)"

So if we are one, why are millions of believers challenging Christian oneness? (John 10:16)  The major reason for the disunity trend is the mingling of the Gospel with the Political/Economic Views of the World (1John 4:5).  These intrusive views create a different bases for friendly associations between Christians.  With the unifying purity of the gospel compromised, factional controversies shatter Christian oneness as described in 1Timmothy 6:3b-5.

"If anyone teaches another doctrine and disagrees with the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ and with godly teaching, he is conceited and understands nothing.

"Instead, he has an unhealthy interest in controversies and semantics, out of which come envy, strife, abusive talk, evil suspicions, and constant friction between men of depraved mind who are devoid of the truth. These men regard godliness as a means of gain."

By contrast 2Tim. 2:24-26 describes Christians united by the Gospel with one mind and voice;

"And a servant of the Lord must not be quarrelsome, but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, and forbearing.  He must gently reprove those who oppose Him, in the hope that God may grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth. Then they will come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, who has taken them captive to his will."

Each of us must guard ourselves against being drawn toward "unhealthy interests in controversies."  We are instead directed to unite with our fellow Christians, even antagonistic Christian.  How is that possible?  

We avoid the trap of focusing on controversies by refocusing our minds on Christ Jesus within us...in the light of His manner of life and teaching.   Philippians 2:1+2 prescribed a healthy alternative response to controversies. 

"Therefore, if you have any encouragement in Christ, if any comfort from His love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any affection and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being united in spirit and purpose. (Philippians 2:1+2)"

The diagnoses of the unhealthy antagonistic mind is contained in the next verse, Philippians 2:3; "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or EMPTY PRIDE, but in humility consider others more important than yourselves."

Empty pride is simply an unwarranted inflated opinion of one's self.  Those who are most seriously afflicted with that type of emptiness exhibit a profound need to prove their superior to advance their status. Deprived of the oneness the pure Gospel provides, we have a tendency to feel some necessity to establish "respect" under the new politically-contaminated gospel.  It's only natural to become antagonistic to make others feel or look bad to elevate oneself.  But that makes it extremely difficult to develop "like-minded" fellowship with an unhealthy antagonistic Christian.

Margaret J. Marcuson, writing for christiancentury.org offered advice on how best to respond to Christian antagonists.  

1) Don't respond defensively, because the antagonist interprets it as fear, and increase their attack.
2) Stay focused on your goal, b/c antagonists intentionally attempt to distract their victims.
3) Establish a light-hearted attitude, and don’t take the antagonist too seriously. 
4) Margaret recommends bringing respected authorities into the confrontation.
 [I suggest the exact  opposite]  

I propose that you actually AVOID enlisting allies, and NEVER quote authorities or their findings. 
Otherwise, the antagonist will deviate from the controversy at hand, and inject some unrelated grievance they have with the facts or authorities you introduce.

Incidentally, if you happen to be a Christian Antagonist, you are probably already planning to debunk M. J. Marcuson's recommendations.  However, her tactics simply mimic the still small voice of the Holy Spirit.  

Ideally, a confrontation with a Christian antagonist serves as an alarm to the victim, not to run, but to turn toward God, within you.  Then having reconnected with His Spirit, completely yield to His loving compassion for the distressed antagonist.  I further advise that you don't try to restore them to health, let God do that.  Just love them. 

Whether the antagonist acknowledges it or not, Christ in you will extend His restorative "eternal life" to them, which is apolitical love.

Remember two things; 
1) Confrontations with Christian Antagonists are alarms, warning you to turn to God within you.  
2) Christian Antagonists are not well, and need loving restorative health that only God by His Spirit can give.  

St. Augustine, around 400 years after the cross of Christ, boiled it down to this: "Once for all, then, a short precept is given thee: Love, and do what thou wilt."
I realized while writing this article I also tend toward an unhealthy interest in controversies.
I hope my future involvement in controversies will serve to unify rather than magnify the division between my dear brothers an sisters in Christ. 

Sunday, October 6, 2019


          Why I'm a

I am a Christian Democrat, not because it provides maximum participation for all citizens, or because humanity is wise and good enough to rule the nation, but because real democracy is the only peaceful, none violent, means to combat political tyranny.  Tyranny, by definition, occurs when an individual or wealthy cadre rule a nation in their own interest rather than for the public good.

C. S. Lewis defended his own "classical liberal Democratic" views*1 this way: "Mankind is so fallen that no man can be trusted with unchecked power over his fellows."*2

God's Spirit, scriptures, and "sound" teaching leads to God's chosen ends (God's will)*3, and thereby directs His people to choose even political methods, even in the realm of politics consistent with Christian comportment: "And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."*4

For that reason, the implementation of the spirit led life, within the limitations of the material/political world requires practical human wisdom; intelligently, sensibly, and prudently.*5  The goal of perfect governance in an imperfect world is, and always has been, an impossibility.

Our Constitution prescribes its own legitimate end goals for its here-and-now governmental structure.  It is to continually promote and protect life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for its citizens.*6

If we fail to protect and defend liberty then tyranny under the influence of the super-wealthy-few will prevail. Tracing the path from democracy to tyranny is so simple and straightforward that even Wikipedia points to the road that leads there.  It's Democracy degenerating into autocracy, then tyranny.

 "Democracy's long for freedom. Freedom eventually becomes more and more chaotic.  Chaos require the imposition of oppressive power to regain and maintain order.  A champion, a hero, then comes along and is allowed to exercise unrestrained power, which inevitably cause him or her to become a tyrant."*7

Therefore, I am a Christian Democrat because the goal of a perfect government, though an unattainable illusion is a goal noble enough to keep me working toward life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, yet it's illusive enough to keep me, and every patriotic Christian Democrat patiently trying.

Source Reference are annoying (especially when they are common knowledge), but are added for those who find them necessary.
*1 Dyer and Watson, "C. S. Lewis on Politics"
*2 C. S. Lewis, "God in the Dock"
*3 John 16:13-16, 2Timothy 1:13
*4 Micah 6:8b
*5 Matthew 10:16
*6 US. Declaration of Independence
*7 Wikipedia, Google Search

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


 Dish + SPOON 

 Diddle Diddle was a word-repetition with a specific meaning in 1600s England.   As late as fifty years ago I heard this rhetorical ploy designated as double-talk.   In North America, double-talk or doublespeak is known as a deliberate unintelligible speech combing nonsense syllables and actual words to confuse the hearer.

One of my first jobs was in a mechanic's garage that had a payphone within the work area.  A slick salesman regularly used the phone.  He always requested that we continue our noisy work while he talked.  One day I was close enough to hear what he was saying, but I couldn't understand much of it.
I was told later that he was speaking double-talk.  Judging from his repeated use of the phone, it worked for him.

 By inserting incoherent words , phrases, with real suggestions he confuses the listener just enough to make nonsense sound reasonable .

Our ability to recognize truth when we hear it depends on our clear perception of reality.  Apparently, Double-talk clouded the minds of enough people over the ages to be a useful ploy called "Diddle Diddle.  It is obviously used by swindlers to turn situations to their advantage even today.

The ancient nursery rhyme, "Hey Diddle Diddle", depicts the chaos and loss that results when deliberate nonsense is made to sound reasonable.

 Even though there doesn't seem to be any conclusive evidence linking ‘Hey Diddle Diddle’ to any of specific political intrigue, the riddle can be applied to any deliberate distortion of reality.  Applying the nursery rhyme to today's political confusion, any number of substitutions are equally appropriate.  

1) Source of the Diddle Diddle00pm
2) Comfortable Cat playing fiddle
3) Unprofitably active Cow
4) The Dog, (a) not chasing the cat 
                     (b) not herding livestock
                     (c) amusedly not guarding
With all the confusion.
5) The valuable things just slip away

Please ignore anything written below this line.  
For those who have already seen it, let me explain.  I forgot these musings were not erased.  I was trying to force some supernatural concepts into a natural children's rhyme, and obviously failed.  
I'm leaving the trash now as an example of my human foolishness.

...confusing an audience. occurs when a slick salesman is allowed to distort reality.  our recognition accompanies the chaos of living with a false sense of realty.  It depicts
 a plate running away with a spoon as the consequence of confusion.

The loss resulting from our political confusion is not as humorous with consequences far worse than the loss of a plate and spoon.

It is an encounter neither right nor wrong, neither left nor right, but simply "IS".  The meal is God.  Our recognition of His Reality within our heart is our spoon...the utensil by which we partake of Reality.

Reality.  The spoon of recognition made known by His Spirit within each of us.  Recognizing His Reality too precious to allow it to be carried off by even the most exquisite dish.

When a Christian population receives contradicting accounts of reality they will discern reality in light of their knowledge of God.

However, when their knowledge is mediated by religious creeds, holy books, church norms, community standards, and the like, knowledge becomes second-hand.  Yet, God provides one-on-One, first hand knowledge of Himself by implanting His Spirit deep within us.

The desire to speak to or listen to the existent God is an operation of God's Spirit. Experiencing this inward communication leads us to pray, and when prayer is disentangled from the confusing clutter of second-hand sources it yields discernment of the Truth.

His Truth is like the silver spoon in the nursery rhyme.  It is neither right nor wrong, neither left nor right. Truth "IS" an aspect of God's character made known by His Spirit within each of us.  Personally knowing Him in this way grants us an unconfused perception of His reality, exposing the "Diddle Diddle" of the swindler in the light of His character.

When you hear His truth in your heart, believe Him, and refuse to go with some second-hand dish, who will run away with that precious spoon.  In other words know the Truth and the Truth will keep you free.

Scriptural confirmation noted in, but not isolated to the following:
Ephesians 1:8-10, 1:13, + 1:17-18
Ephesians 4:13
John 8:36-47

Sunday, September 8, 2019



The United States political divisions reflect a confusion over words.  The misunderstanding starts with the words Republican and Democrat.  Theses two labels are mistakenly thought of as representing opposing points of view within one political system.  However, the Republican and Democrat labels actually designate two contrasting political theories. 

The specific difference concerns the process of governmental decision making.  One focuses on the "ends" of governing; it's goals, while the other focuses on the"means"; the methods used in governing.

The word "Democrat" refers to someone committed to a particular "means"of governing, in which the majority rules, even if the outcomes (the ends) are unexpected and occasionally even undesirable.  It is true that the democratic method may not be applicable in all cases, but it is the Democrat's preferred means of governing.

Republicanism, rather than focused on a particular "means" or method, directs its attention on the "ends"...the goal.  To achieve the desired ends, any means will do, even questionable "means", as long as they achieve the desired "end."

The confusion of terms is compounded when both Republicans and Democrats misuse and misapply other words like "Left and Liberal", or "Right and Conservative".

 For example, a Leftist and a Liberal may both be Democrats if they both believe democracy is the best "means" of reach some political "ends".  Often ends Democrats seek are only marginally acceptable to either the Left or the Liberal affiliates.

* Liberals believe in individual rights and freedom within civil boundaries.

* Leftists believe in reordering society on a type of Socialistic Marxist Communism model.

A Republican, on the other hand, is committed to particular "end" goal, and as mentioned could be reached using any "means" believed to be most effective, as long as the means point toward a specific "end".

 Nevertheless, with an emphasis on the "ends" the Christian Right and Political Conservatives must submit to "means" neither entirely approves.  However, as constituent members of the same party they regularly adopt a unified "means", which actually contradict their own guiding principles.

The Christian Right and Politically Conservatives unit as Republicans around an overarching desired "end", which is ultimately a Higher Good.  The Higher Good is clearly defined as a state in which the actual political power is only granted to the most worthy citizens, who select representatives to protect their interests.

*However, the Christian Right has a specific Higher Good in mind.  It is a state that will safeguard its Christian values from the threat of cultural or spiritual dilution or corruption.

*The Political Conservative envision a different Higher Good.  He desires a State that will protect his political power, social advantages, and economic self-interest.

Not understanding the different political emphasis of these labels imply gives rise to the Republican believe that Democrats are stupid, and causes Democrats to think Republicans are insane.

 In other words misunderstood words and mismatched coalitions shape both the "means" and "ends" of our political parties.  Republican and Democratic Parties alike face a very similar challenges.  While the Rs must accept "means" that betray their values in order to gain a shared "end" goal.  The D's, insistent on democratic "means", usually settle for an uncertain "end" goal short of what they actually desire.

A political optimist really has only one hope for the survival of any semblance of a functioning Republican-Democracy.  He must believe that the stupid and the insane (as the parties call each other) will reach some extraordinarily intelligent compromises.

On the pessimistic side, as long as the Christian Right insists on doing God's work following the "means" of Politically Conservatives, and the Democratic Liberals keep accepting the radical "end" goals of its Leftists partners, both the stupid and the insane will sooner or later drive this fragile Democratic-Republic into the ditch.

In this confusion the poor Realist, has but one viable hope.  It is that one of the two parties will completely demolish the other in the 2020 elections.  I admit, even though it maybe unrealistic, I remain a nervous optimist.
God, please increase my faith.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

C. S. Lewis, Christian Politics Today


Excerpts lifted from C. S. Lewis' essay written in 1941 expresses my own concerns about the present Evengelical Christian attachment to the Republican Party.  Lewis forecasted the resulting entanglement with such accuracy, I simply offer his remarks.

 The Guardian, Anglican newspaper
published his essay under the title,
 Meditation of the 3rd Commandment

...the temptation of claiming for our favourite opinions that kind and degree of certainty and authority which really belongs only to our Faith.

The danger of mistaking our merely natural, though perhaps legitimate, enthusiasm for holy zeal, is always great ... The demon inherent in every party is at all times ready enough to disguise himself as the Holy Ghost (God's Spirit) ; the formation of a Christian Party means handing over to him the most efficient make-up we can find.  And when once the disguise has succeeded, his commands will presently be taken to abrogate all moral laws and to justify whatever the unbelieving allies of the "Christian" Party wish to do.

By the mere act of calling itself the Christian Party (or the party of Evangelical Christians)
It implicitly accuses all Christians who do not join it of apostasy and betrayal.

The principal which divides it from its brothers and it to its political allies will (is) not theological.  ...it will have no more power...to control the behaviour of its unbelieving allies.

In the near future, God willing, I will examine other areas concerning the effects of our ongoing Christian/Political alliances.