Sunday, October 6, 2019


          Why I'm a

I am a Christian Democrat, not because it provides maximum participation for all citizens, or because humanity is wise and good enough to rule the nation, but because real democracy is the only peaceful, none violent, means to combat political tyranny.  Tyranny, by definition, occurs when an individual or wealthy cadre rule a nation in their own interest rather than for the public good.

C. S. Lewis defended his own "classical liberal Democratic" views*1 this way: "Mankind is so fallen that no man can be trusted with unchecked power over his fellows."*2

God's Spirit, scriptures, and "sound" teaching leads to God's chosen ends (God's will)*3, and thereby directs His people to choose even political methods, even in the realm of politics consistent with Christian comportment: "And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."*4

For that reason, the implementation of the spirit led life, within the limitations of the material/political world requires practical human wisdom; intelligently, sensibly, and prudently.*5  The goal of perfect governance in an imperfect world is, and always has been, an impossibility.

Our Constitution prescribes its own legitimate end goals for its here-and-now governmental structure.  It is to continually promote and protect life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for its citizens.*6

If we fail to protect and defend liberty then tyranny under the influence of the super-wealthy-few will prevail. Tracing the path from democracy to tyranny is so simple and straightforward that even Wikipedia points to the road that leads there.  It's Democracy degenerating into autocracy, then tyranny.

 "Democracy's long for freedom. Freedom eventually becomes more and more chaotic.  Chaos require the imposition of oppressive power to regain and maintain order.  A champion, a hero, then comes along and is allowed to exercise unrestrained power, which inevitably cause him or her to become a tyrant."*7

Therefore, I am a Christian Democrat because the goal of a perfect government, though an unattainable illusion is a goal noble enough to keep me working toward life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, yet it's illusive enough to keep me, and every patriotic Christian Democrat patiently trying.

Source Reference are annoying (especially when they are common knowledge), but are added for those who find them necessary.
*1 Dyer and Watson, "C. S. Lewis on Politics"
*2 C. S. Lewis, "God in the Dock"
*3 John 16:13-16, 2Timothy 1:13
*4 Micah 6:8b
*5 Matthew 10:16
*6 US. Declaration of Independence
*7 Wikipedia, Google Search

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