Tuesday, November 26, 2019


Internal unrest results from being out of step with what we know within is Perfect.  That is as true for nations as it us for individuals.  There is a knowledge of the Perfect preprogrammed into every human being.

When we choose to turn away from the Perfect, as we all do, we not only feel guilty about it, but we step into the unavoidable perils of an imperfect life.

However, there is a way out of the mess.  It sounds ridiculous, but there is a Perfect solution, because there is a Perfect God.  So, stay with me while I tell you what this Perfect God has done.

The Perfect God became a Perfect man, in the person of Christ Jesus, who did what was necessary for us to be rescued from lives full of guilt and imperfection.

 BTW just so you know, the term for walking out of step with what you know is Perfect, good, right, and True is called sin. It is choosing something or someone over the Spirit of God within you. Because God is Perfect, we make ourselves His enemy when we choose the imperfect instead of Him.

So, the knowledge of the Perfect was given by the Spirit God through the Perfect Son of God, who by His crucifixion victory made His Perfect Spirit available to all.  By turning from the imperfect to His Perfect Spirit within, and yielding to God's Perfection, saves us from our sin and guilt.

But like any gift, this spiritual gift must be accepted before it becomes the possession of its intended recipient.  The spiritual act of acceptance Him is called "faith"...trusting the gift Giver.

As we trust the Perfect Spirit of God within us, yielding to Him as our Lord (our loving boss and champion), we will not just walk in step with what we know is good, right and True, but we will live in step with our Perfect God.  This harmonious union is called salvation.  It is His way of rescuing us from the eternal harm we've caused ourselves by being out of step with ourselves and Him.

If you have not yet accepted His gift, or if you have, but have since allowed yourself to accept an imperfect rescuing imposter, hero, or champion turn back to your Perfect God, whose loving gift remains an eternal offer.

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