Tuesday, September 17, 2019


 Dish + SPOON 

 Diddle Diddle was a word-repetition with a specific meaning in 1600s England.   As late as fifty years ago I heard this rhetorical ploy designated as double-talk.   In North America, double-talk or doublespeak is known as a deliberate unintelligible speech combing nonsense syllables and actual words to confuse the hearer.

One of my first jobs was in a mechanic's garage that had a payphone within the work area.  A slick salesman regularly used the phone.  He always requested that we continue our noisy work while he talked.  One day I was close enough to hear what he was saying, but I couldn't understand much of it.
I was told later that he was speaking double-talk.  Judging from his repeated use of the phone, it worked for him.

 By inserting incoherent words , phrases, with real suggestions he confuses the listener just enough to make nonsense sound reasonable .

Our ability to recognize truth when we hear it depends on our clear perception of reality.  Apparently, Double-talk clouded the minds of enough people over the ages to be a useful ploy called "Diddle Diddle.  It is obviously used by swindlers to turn situations to their advantage even today.

The ancient nursery rhyme, "Hey Diddle Diddle", depicts the chaos and loss that results when deliberate nonsense is made to sound reasonable.

 Even though there doesn't seem to be any conclusive evidence linking ‘Hey Diddle Diddle’ to any of specific political intrigue, the riddle can be applied to any deliberate distortion of reality.  Applying the nursery rhyme to today's political confusion, any number of substitutions are equally appropriate.  

1) Source of the Diddle Diddle00pm
2) Comfortable Cat playing fiddle
3) Unprofitably active Cow
4) The Dog, (a) not chasing the cat 
                     (b) not herding livestock
                     (c) amusedly not guarding
With all the confusion.
5) The valuable things just slip away

Please ignore anything written below this line.  
For those who have already seen it, let me explain.  I forgot these musings were not erased.  I was trying to force some supernatural concepts into a natural children's rhyme, and obviously failed.  
I'm leaving the trash now as an example of my human foolishness.

...confusing an audience. occurs when a slick salesman is allowed to distort reality.  our recognition accompanies the chaos of living with a false sense of realty.  It depicts
 a plate running away with a spoon as the consequence of confusion.

The loss resulting from our political confusion is not as humorous with consequences far worse than the loss of a plate and spoon.

It is an encounter neither right nor wrong, neither left nor right, but simply "IS".  The meal is God.  Our recognition of His Reality within our heart is our spoon...the utensil by which we partake of Reality.

Reality.  The spoon of recognition made known by His Spirit within each of us.  Recognizing His Reality too precious to allow it to be carried off by even the most exquisite dish.

When a Christian population receives contradicting accounts of reality they will discern reality in light of their knowledge of God.

However, when their knowledge is mediated by religious creeds, holy books, church norms, community standards, and the like, knowledge becomes second-hand.  Yet, God provides one-on-One, first hand knowledge of Himself by implanting His Spirit deep within us.

The desire to speak to or listen to the existent God is an operation of God's Spirit. Experiencing this inward communication leads us to pray, and when prayer is disentangled from the confusing clutter of second-hand sources it yields discernment of the Truth.

His Truth is like the silver spoon in the nursery rhyme.  It is neither right nor wrong, neither left nor right. Truth "IS" an aspect of God's character made known by His Spirit within each of us.  Personally knowing Him in this way grants us an unconfused perception of His reality, exposing the "Diddle Diddle" of the swindler in the light of His character.

When you hear His truth in your heart, believe Him, and refuse to go with some second-hand dish, who will run away with that precious spoon.  In other words know the Truth and the Truth will keep you free.

Scriptural confirmation noted in, but not isolated to the following:
Ephesians 1:8-10, 1:13, + 1:17-18
Ephesians 4:13
John 8:36-47

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