Sunday, September 8, 2019



The United States political divisions reflect a confusion over words.  The misunderstanding starts with the words Republican and Democrat.  Theses two labels are mistakenly thought of as representing opposing points of view within one political system.  However, the Republican and Democrat labels actually designate two contrasting political theories. 

The specific difference concerns the process of governmental decision making.  One focuses on the "ends" of governing; it's goals, while the other focuses on the"means"; the methods used in governing.

The word "Democrat" refers to someone committed to a particular "means"of governing, in which the majority rules, even if the outcomes (the ends) are unexpected and occasionally even undesirable.  It is true that the democratic method may not be applicable in all cases, but it is the Democrat's preferred means of governing.

Republicanism, rather than focused on a particular "means" or method, directs its attention on the "ends"...the goal.  To achieve the desired ends, any means will do, even questionable "means", as long as they achieve the desired "end."

The confusion of terms is compounded when both Republicans and Democrats misuse and misapply other words like "Left and Liberal", or "Right and Conservative".

 For example, a Leftist and a Liberal may both be Democrats if they both believe democracy is the best "means" of reach some political "ends".  Often ends Democrats seek are only marginally acceptable to either the Left or the Liberal affiliates.

* Liberals believe in individual rights and freedom within civil boundaries.

* Leftists believe in reordering society on a type of Socialistic Marxist Communism model.

A Republican, on the other hand, is committed to particular "end" goal, and as mentioned could be reached using any "means" believed to be most effective, as long as the means point toward a specific "end".

 Nevertheless, with an emphasis on the "ends" the Christian Right and Political Conservatives must submit to "means" neither entirely approves.  However, as constituent members of the same party they regularly adopt a unified "means", which actually contradict their own guiding principles.

The Christian Right and Politically Conservatives unit as Republicans around an overarching desired "end", which is ultimately a Higher Good.  The Higher Good is clearly defined as a state in which the actual political power is only granted to the most worthy citizens, who select representatives to protect their interests.

*However, the Christian Right has a specific Higher Good in mind.  It is a state that will safeguard its Christian values from the threat of cultural or spiritual dilution or corruption.

*The Political Conservative envision a different Higher Good.  He desires a State that will protect his political power, social advantages, and economic self-interest.

Not understanding the different political emphasis of these labels imply gives rise to the Republican believe that Democrats are stupid, and causes Democrats to think Republicans are insane.

 In other words misunderstood words and mismatched coalitions shape both the "means" and "ends" of our political parties.  Republican and Democratic Parties alike face a very similar challenges.  While the Rs must accept "means" that betray their values in order to gain a shared "end" goal.  The D's, insistent on democratic "means", usually settle for an uncertain "end" goal short of what they actually desire.

A political optimist really has only one hope for the survival of any semblance of a functioning Republican-Democracy.  He must believe that the stupid and the insane (as the parties call each other) will reach some extraordinarily intelligent compromises.

On the pessimistic side, as long as the Christian Right insists on doing God's work following the "means" of Politically Conservatives, and the Democratic Liberals keep accepting the radical "end" goals of its Leftists partners, both the stupid and the insane will sooner or later drive this fragile Democratic-Republic into the ditch.

In this confusion the poor Realist, has but one viable hope.  It is that one of the two parties will completely demolish the other in the 2020 elections.  I admit, even though it maybe unrealistic, I remain a nervous optimist.
God, please increase my faith.

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